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3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
<panel title="Open Chords on the Ukulele"> When the [[en:vok:saite|strings]] of an [[en:vok:Ukulele]] are plucked from the 4<sup>th</sup> to the 1<su... rid> Thus, the open [[en:vok:akkord|chord]] of an ukulele forms a [[en:vok:terz]]-[[en:vok:quarte]]-chord (
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
<accordion> <panel title="Scales on the Ukulele"> The following patterns are all ways to play diatonic [[en:vok:tonleiter|scales]] on the [[en:vok:ukulele]]. The major [[en:vok:grundton]] is highlighted i